Experiences that will change your life.
Jenny Kaufman

Jenny Kaufman

Jenny Kaufman

Jenny Kaufman

Jenny Kaufman

Jenny Kaufman


Jenny Kaufman


Marhaba Morocco  
Apr 11
Apr 19


In the Blue: Retreat to Sardinia  

Past Retreats

Jenny Kaufman

Jenny Kaufman

Jenny believes a yoga practice is uniquely personal; the benefits are endless – from more open hips and hamstrings, greater lung capacity, healing from injury, a catalyst for a healthier lifestyle, spiritual exploration, or that mysterious yoga glow. As a student in a class setting, on a retreat, or in private instruction, she will begin with you, exactly where you are. Her goal is to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable, to give clear instructions and cues that allow each person to safely explore the postures, and to help you breathe, smile, and feel more open. Jenny began practicing yoga over 25 years ago and has been teaching for the last 20. Her initial 200-hour Yoga Alliance certification is from The Chicago Yoga Center. She has also completed certification with Judith Lasater specializing in Restorative Yoga at Om Yoga in NYC and completed the 500-hour Yoga Alliance certification with Sharyn Galindo at North Shore Yoga, where she assisted in teaching the 200-hour course. Jenny gained vast experience building a community and a yoga brand by working for Yoga Six as the Program Manager for the Midwest. She took the management experience to yogaview in 2018. In addition to managing and sustaining the yogaview community, she teaches classes both in studio and online, is a facilitator for the yoga teacher training program, and has grown a large private yoga clientele. Please visit and follow her @jennykyoga.


Number of Years Teaching


Teaching Style



To take care of my body...the only vehicle I was given to experience this life.



What inspired you to teach yoga?

The thrill of bodies moving and breathing in space.

Who are your most influential teachers?

The late Maty Ezraty, Jason Crandell, Margi Young, Sharyn Galindo, Claire Mark and all the teachers here at yogaview Chicago.

How would you describe your classes?

Mindful, breath-based vinyasa flow with sneaky moments of strength snuck in.

Why do you feel retreats are transformational?

When you can remove yourself from a daily routine and immerse in nature, eat good food, spend time noticing how you breath and move your body the possibilities of growth and change present themselves.

What is your favorite pose to teach?

Handstand/Adho Mukha Vrksasana

What is your favorite pose to practice?

Side Angle/ Parsvokonasana

Where are your favorite places to travel?

Italy and Mexico